Our doctors have pioneered minimally invasive procedures and offer expertise in laparoscopic and robotic surgery.
Garden Park Medical Center offers minimally invasive surgery with the da Vinci® Robotic Surgical System. Robotic surgery can replace large-incision surgeries (open surgery) with a minimally invasive approach that results in less pain, smaller scars, minimal blood loss and faster recovery time when compared to traditional surgical techniques.
Procedures that are not performed robotically may still qualify for laparoscopic surgery (LS). LS, also called band-aid or keyhole surgery, is a minimally invasive surgery that only requires small incisions.
Robotic Surgery Procedures
Garden Park Medical Center uses the da Vinci® system for a broad range of conditions and surgical specialties including:
- Abdominal surgery - appendectomy, gallbladder, hernias, gastroesophageal reflux diseases (GERD)
- Colorectal surgery - tumors, inflammatory bowel disease
- Gynecological surgery – hysterectomy myomectomy
da Vinci® Robotic Surgery
Robotic surgery has improved many surgical procedures because it offers the surgeon better precision and control. Robotic surgery translates into faster healing, less scarring and a shorter hospital stay for the patient. Traditional surgical methods typically use 6- to 12-inch incisions. The da Vinci® system uses dime-sized incisions to produce the same or better results. A single-site incision is now possible for certain surgeries, and in some cases, the incision can be hidden inside the navel, for a totally scar-free appearance.
The da Vinci Xi System has broader capabilities than prior generations of the da Vinci System. The da Vinci Xi System’s key features include:
- A new overhead instrument arm architecture designed to facilitate anatomical access from virtually any position.
- Improved 3D and High Definition visualization which provides the surgeon with a highly magnified view.
- An ability to attach the endoscope to any arm, providing flexibility for visualizing the surgical site.
- Smaller, thinner arms with newly designed joints that offer a greater range of motion than ever before. Far more range of motion than the human hand.
- Longer instrument shafts designed to give surgeons greater operative reach.
Single Site Surgery
Depending on the patient’s circumstances, many robotic surgeries can be done using a single incision. Called single-site surgery, the tiny incision (usually through the belly button) means little to no scars, less risk of infection and shorter recovery time. In addition, Garden Park is the first in the region with surgeons that performed single-site incision hysterectomy or colorectal surgeries.
Patient Benefits
- Significantly less pain; fewer side effects
- Shorter hospital stays
- Reduced risk of infection
- Smaller incisions; less scarring and less blood loss
Quicker return to normal activities
- In many cases, better outcomes
Physician Benefits
- Enhanced 3D, high-definition vision of operative field with up to 10x magnification
- New optional dual console allows second surgeon to provide assistance
- Superior visual clarity of tissue and anatomy
- Surgical dexterity and precision far greater than even the human hand
- Updated and simplified user interface to enhance OR efficiency
- New ergonomic settings for greater surgeon comfort