Medical Records
Viewing your child’s medical records can be easy. You can complete a caregiver (proxy) form, present the appropriate documentation and request a copy of your child’s medical records or complete the caregiver forms in medical records and finish an electronic sign-up to access a portion of your child’s medical records through the patient port – MyHealthOne.
Birth Certificate
Someone from the Health Information Department at Garden Park Medical Center will contact you for information regarding your baby to complete your baby’s birth certificate.
Some of the items you will need to include are the baby’s full name and date of birth and both parents’ place of birth, Social Security Number, and highest level of education completed.
Once the information you provide is entered into the system, the same representative will review the document with you and have you sign the Birth Certificate. It will then go through several more steps before you receive a certified copy. Inquire with your Health Information Department representative for more information of if you have any questions.
As a special keepsake of this precious event, Garden Park Medical Center will provide you with a copy of your baby’s footprints – our gift to you and a little token of thanks for choosing to share this wonderful experience with us.
Other Support Services
Please visit our Patients and Visitors page for more information regarding:
- Cafeteria
- Gift Shop
- Smoke-free Facility
- Visiting Hours
- Wifi