Join Garden Park orthopedic surgeon Dr. Philip Myers for live Q and A
GULFPORT - Is this hand pain caused by carpal tunnel syndrome? How can I treat my basal joint arthritis? When should I see a doctor?
Questions such as these - and many more - will be asked and answered during an upcoming Facebook Live event featuring Garden Park Medical Center orthopedic surgeon Dr. Philp Myers. The interactive event is scheduled for 6 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 29, and will be accessible on the Garden Park Facebook page at Facebook.com/GardenParkMedicalCenter.
"The human hand is one of nature's most useful and complex creations," Dr. Meyers said. "But that complexity can lead to a wide variety of issues that cause pain or affect your dexterity. We want people to know, though, that there are diagnosis and treatment options that can make a difference and improve their quality of life."
Some common hand issues treated at Garden Park include carpal tunnel syndrome, stenosing tenosynovitis - more commonly known as "trigger finger" - and basal joint arthritis. The hospital also treats a variety of fracture, sports injuries and other trauma.
During the Facebook Live session, Dr. Myers will provide an overview of common orthopedic issues affecting people's hands and other joints, as well as the latest treatment options available. He will also take questions from viewers. This is the first in a series of Facebook Live events providing live, interactive access to Garden Park experts on a variety of health topics.
To learn more about Garden Park's orthopedic services, please visit GardenParkMedical.com. To find a Garden Park orthopedic surgeon, please call our free healthcare referral service at (228) 575-7330.