“How safe are area hospitals?” is the number one question Leapfrog Hospital Safety Grades is designed to address. Errors, injuries, accidents and infections occur in hospitals across the country and the Leapfrog Hospital Safety Grade is committed to celebrating facilities that maintain high quality standards designed to keep patients safe. Garden Park Medical Center (GPMC) earned another “A” Leapfrog Hospital Safety Grade – GPMC’s second consecutive “A”.
CEO of GPMC, Randy Rogers, states, “Even though I have lived in the community for a very short time, I have been fortunate to meet former patients in various settings that stop me to describe how wonderful the nurses and doctors were during their stay. It takes a team effort to maintain the protocols and processes we have implemented at the hospital to ensure we take the best care of our patients. I am proud that Garden Park has been honored with another “A” for doing what we set out to do every day – the right thing for the patient”.
Leapfrog Hospital Safety Grades (formerly known as Hospital Safety Scores) are assigned to more than 2,600 general acute-care hospitals across the nation twice annually. The Safety Grade is becoming the gold standard measure of patient safety. Garden Park Medical Center was the only area hospital to earn a “A” grade.
“We take these grades very seriously. We use checklists in many departments to maintain compliance, meet regularly to review our procedures, and continuously address key areas in which patients could be affected,” says Quality Director, Debra Rivers.
The Leapfrog Hospital Safety Grade uses national performance measures from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), the Leapfrog Hospital Survey, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the American Hospital Association’s Annual Survey and Health Information Technology Supplement.