Garden Park Medical Center
February 25, 2013

Imagine for a moment a family member is in a critical health situation.  Perhaps they’ve suffered a heart attack or stroke and are in the hospital but require a higher level of care only available at another hospital. Now Garden Park Medical Center collaborates with Lagniappe Transfer Center to ensure patients are transferred between hospitals and health care facilities in a seamless and timely manner.  Not only does the patient receive the appropriate care they need, their families have peace of mind knowing access to a higher level of care is quickly available.

Lagniappe is a hospitality term used in Louisiana that means “a little something extra.”  And that’s exactly what Garden Park Medical Center offers with its patient-focused care, including transfers.

Brenda Waltz of Garden Park Medical Center, says the availability of efficient patient transfer is critical in many situations such as trauma, cardiac, surgical and stroke-related conditions, in addition to patients with less urgent needs.

 “We understand acute patient care,” says Waltz.  “A patient sometimes needs to receive treatment not available in the hospital where they’ve been admitted.  Garden Park now offers patients and their families the Lagniappe Transfer Center.  These enhanced transfer services reinforce our commitment to the highest level of health care possible for individuals.”

Garden Park Medical Center and the Lagniappe Transfer Center work together to coordinate all aspects of transferring patients efficiently from one hospital or healthcare facility to another. 

If you or a loved one needs a higher level of care, ask your provider to use the Lagniappe Transfer Center to help ensure seamless and efficient transfer.