Regina Ramazani will serve a dual administrative role as both Chief Operating Officer (COO) and Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of Garden Park Medical Center (GPMC). Ramazani became CFO of GPMC in November, 1999 and was promoted to include COO responsibilities October, 2015.
Ramazani is responsible for GPMC’s financial operations, and serves as the Ethics and Compliance Officer and Chief Staffing Officer. As COO, she assumes administrative oversight of numerous departments including Plant Operations, Environmental Services, Scheduling, and Food and Nutrition Services.
Ramazani holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting from Marshall University in Huntington, West Virginia and earned her Fellow status with the American College of Healthcare Executives (FACHE). She is a member of the American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE) and the Healthcare Financial Management Association (HFMA).
Ramazani is a member of the Orange Grove Rotary. In 2008, she was recognized as one of the 50 Leading Business Women of Mississippi and served has served as board member and campaign chair for the United Way of South Mississippi during the period of 2007-2010.